Core to Commencement Campaign Gifts

Core to Commencement is a $400 million campaign to strengthen the Columbia College experience by enhancing the Core Curriculum, supporting students and their faculty, and growing the Columbia College Fund. In Fiscal Year 2015–2016, the following alumni, parents, friends and students made gift in support of Core to Commencement.

$100,000 to $249,999
Omar M. Asali BUS’01, P: ’18, ’20
Rula L. Asali P: ’18, ’20
Philip R. Berlinski
Robert Berne ’60, BUS’62
William V. Campbell ’62, TC’64 ^, P: ’04, ’13, SIPA’08
Christina Chan BUS’86
Edmund K.M. Chan ’81
Kit Hung Chiu P: ’19
Eugene I. Davis ’75, SIPA’76, LAW’80, P: ’05, ’07
Gale L. Davis
Shelby M.C. Davis
Thomas H. Glocer ’81
Britta W. Jacobson ’96
Alan R. Kahn ’59, P: ’95, GS’05
Alison P. Kay ’06
Mark E. Kingdon ’71, P: ’09, ’16
Adam W. Kirsch P: ’17
Mary E. Kirsch P: ’17
Dennis H. Langer ’71, P: ’04, ’08
Susan F. Langer P: ’04, ’08
H.F. Lenfest LAW’58
Siu Yu Lo P: ’19
Philip L. Milstein ’71, P: ’09, ’10, BUS’17
Alexander Navab ’87
Rene Plessner ’60
Ruthanne M. Ruzika W: ’81, P: ’16
Charles W. Santoro ’82, P: ’13
Michael J. Schmidtberger ’82, LAW’85
Robert J. Speyer ’92
George R. Stephanopoulos ’82
Margaret Sung
John J. Vaske ’88
Jue Wang P: ’19
Yuyan Yang P: ’18
Samuel Yin ’76
Yong Zhang P: ’18
Chengjian Zhou P: ’19