Leadership Gifts
Leadership donors ensure the success of the College. Their generosity helps inspire fellow alumni, parents and friends to support undergraduate education. We are pleased to recognize new and returning leadership donors who contributed $25,000 or more in Fiscal Year 2017–2018 to Columbia College, Arts & Sciences, Athletics and the Columbia Libraries.
$5,000,000 and more
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Avery B. and Andrew F. Barth ’83, BUS’85, P: ’16 **
Susanna M. and Jorge P. Lemann P: ’14, ’15
William V. Campbell Trust
Anonymous **
David Boies
Abigail B. Elbaum ’92, BUS’94 and Richard K. Elbaum LAW’93 **
Barbara Guggenheim GSAS’69, GSAS’76 **
David R. Halperin ’65
Alan Howard P: ’19, ’21 **
Mary K. and Alexander Navab ’87
Adam Xiangdong Tan and Christina Tao Zou P: ’21
Anonymous **
Louisa Feng and Feng Hua
Mark E. Kingdon ’71, P: ’09, ’16 **
Anonymous **
Sharon and Peter A. Grossman ’79, P: ’05, ’08, GSAS’07, GSAS’11 **
Robert K. Kraft ’63, P: ’94 **
Philip L. Milstein ’71, P: ’09, ’10, BUS’17 and Cheryl G. Milstein BC’82, P: ’09, ’10, BUS’17 **
The Pritzker Pucker Family Foundation
Abigail P. Pucker ’14 **
Michael A. Pucker ’83, LAW’88, P: ’14 **
Jue Wang and Chengjian Zhou P: ’19 **
Richard E. Witten ’75, P: ’10, BUS’15, LAW’15 **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Michael I. Barry ’89, P: ’21 **
Daniel L. Bernstein **
Rose and George L. Bernstein ’68 **
Lisa L. Carnoy ’89 **
Nancy L. and Thomas W. Cornacchia ’85, P: ’17, ’19 **
Felicia A. and Benjamin A. Horowitz ’88, P: ’11, ’16 **
Philip R. Berlinski and Britta W. Jacobson ’96 **
George Jiang P: ’19 **
Irvine A.S. Laidlaw BUS’65 **
Arlene H. and Laurans A. Mendelson ’60, BUS’61, P: ’87, ’89, BUS’89 **
Kimberly and Eric A. Mendelson ’87, BUS’89, P: ’17, ’18 **
Lisa M. and Victor H. Mendelson ’89, P: ’18, ’20 **
Marcia Dunn and Jonathan S. Sobel ’88 **
Mozelle W. Thompson ’76, SIPA’79, LAW’81 **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Francis J. Aquila ’79 **
Kyra T. Barry ’87, P: ’17 and David B. Barry ’87, P: ’17 **
Jonathan D. Bram ’87, P: ’14, ’17 and Susan S. Bram TC’87, P: ’14, ’17 **
Hilma O. Carter BC’45, GSAS’47 **
David I. Robbins and Joyce Chang ’86 **
Anna M. Chapman PS’00, P: BUS’94, BUS’00 **
Xiaoli Chen and Hongbin Peng P: ’20 **
Kit Hung Chiu and Siu Yu Lo P: ’20
Robert Choi
Catherine and Rocco B. Commisso SEAS’71, BUS’75, P: SEAS’06 **
Monique L. Cusson and Constantine M. Dakolias SEAS’89 **
Eugene I. Davis ’75, SIPA’76, LAW’80, P: ’05, ’07 **
Gale L. and Shelby M.C. Davis P: SW’18
Stephen K. Easton ’56, BUS’57 **
Phyllis M.W. and Hamen S.H. Fan P: ’13, BUS’15 **
Luisa T. and Erhard R. Fernholz GSAS’67 **
Andrew A. Fink ’91, LAW’94 **
John G. and Carol T. Finley BC’83, LAW’86, BUS’87 **
Robert L. Friedman ’64 and Barbara L. Friedman BC’64 **
Robert W. Goldsby ’50 **
Annette M. Grant BC’83, P: ’12, ’17, ’18 and Geoffrey T. Grant SEAS’82, P: ’12, ’17, ’18 **
Kenneth Hao **
Jeffrey B. Hawkins
Eric M. Javits ’52, LAW’55 and Margaretha E. Javits GS’68 **
Sucheta A. and Anantha N. Kamath P: ’17, ’21 **
Ann F. Kaplan SW’72, BUS’77 **
Ho Soo Kim and Hyun Hee Lee P: ’22
Kevin N. King and Meridee A. Moore P: ’13 **
Mary E. and Adam W. Kirsch P: ’17 **
Nicholas E. Kirsch ’17
Stanley S. Ko BUS’99 **
Jeannie B. and Jonathan S. Lavine ’88, P: ’16, ’18 **
Grace and Nicholas P. Leone ’88, P: ’19, ’22 **
Zhitang L. Liang P: ’20 **
Daniel S. Loeb ’83 **
Lei Lu P: ’20 **
Julie F. and Edward C. Malmstrom ’65 **
Donald L. Margolis ’63, BUS’65 **
Bruce and Julie J. Menin ’89 **
Dominic K. Ng and Ellen Wong-Ng P: ’17 **
Carol and Souren G. Ouzounian ’89 **
Rene Plessner ’60
Debra and Richard G. Robb P: ’11 **
Corinne and Robert P. Rooney ’89 **
Ellen Rosand W: ’59, GSAS’65, P: ’88, LAW’94, PS’94 **
Jack Rosenbluth ’52, P: ’88, TC’96, TC’97
Charles W. Santoro ’82, P: ’13 **
Michael S. Satow ’88, P: ’21 **
Shadek Family Foundation
Laurence A. Shadek **
Thomas F. Shadek ’73, BUS’76 **
Gabrielle and Thad A. Sheely ’93 **
Leonard Tow GSAS’52, GSAS’60, P: BC’87 **
Stephen S. Trevor ’86
Saengdao and Hans W. Van Der Sande ’93 **
John J. Vaske ’88, P: ’22 **
Russell F. Warren ’62 **
Bruno Z. Wu and Lan Yang SIPA’96, P: ’18
Yuyan Yang P: ’18 **
Stephanie W. and Danny O. Yee ’77, P: ’15 **
Raymond H. Yu ’89, SEAS’90, P: ’21 and Amy H. Yu TC’07, TC’12, P: ’21 **
Annonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Rula L. and Omar M. Asali BUS’01, P: ’18, ’20 **
Herbert J. Bachelor
Gregory S. and Nairi C. Balian ’88, P: ’16, ’22 **
Robert Berne ’60, BUS’62 **
Edward Botwinick ’56, SEAS’58 **
Allison F. Butts ’64, BUS’68, LAW’68 **
James W. Campbell ’04, SIPA’08 **
Margaret A. and Stephen H. Case ’64, LAW’68, P: ’92, BUS’02 **
Zeliana Charemi and Ioannis Frangos P: ’19, SEAS’21 **
Lynn L. Chen-Zhang and Charles C. Zhang P: ’17, ’20 **
Melissa B. and Douglas A. Cifu ’87, LAW’90 **
Christine C. Cronin ’84 **
Jurrien Dean ’69, PS’73, P: ’99 **
John K. Dema ’67, LAW’70, BUS’70, P: ’08, ’09, LAW’12, LAW’13 **
James H. Dignan ’91 **
Connie K. Duckworth
Joseph H. Ellis ’64 and Barbara I. Ellis BC’64, GSAS’65 **
Carolyn T. and William Y. Epling SEAS’81, BUS’83 **
Diane and Neil Exter P: ’14
Suning and Fenglei Fang P: ’04 **
Anna A. Fang-Hamm ’04
Shawn P. FitzGerald ’80, P: ’17, ’19 and Jolyne Caruso-FitzGerald BC’81, P: ’17, ’19 **
Lawrence E. Goldschmidt ’64, LAW’67, P: LAW’99, SIPA’04, SW’95 and Maya D. Goldschmidt LAW’71, P: LAW’99, SIPA’04, SW’95 **
Eric S. Goldstein ’80, P: ’15, ’18, BC’19 and Tamar B. Goldstein BC’87, P: ’15, ’18, BC’19 **
Susan A. and Robert J. Grey ’72, P: BUS’07 **
Janice and Gang C. Gu SEAS’86, P: ’18 **
Anne W. and Michael J. Hall ’84, SEAS’85, P: SEAS’18 **
Elizabeth A. and Lowell G. Harriss ’68, LAW’71, P: ’99
George F. and Debra S. Heinrich TC’84, P: ’13, ’16, GS’16 **
Michael S. Hindus ’68, P: ’91 **
Larraine N. Ho and Pravin U. Dugel ’84, P: ’20 **
Sandra H. Hoffen ’87
Margarita Inserni P: ’16 **
Lisa and Donald J. Jackson ’73, BUS’80, P: ’10, ’14 **
Carl M. Kawaja BUS’91
Alison P. Kay ’06
Charles E. Knapp ’77, LAW’80 **
Elizabeth E. and Brian C. Krisberg ’81, LAW’84, P: ’18, ’22 **
Donald B. Kuspit ’55
Hugh J. Lawson ’91 **
Amy T.Y. Fung and Danny L. Lee ’95 **
Sung Lee BUS’94 **
Emmanuelle V. and Hugues B. Lepic P: ’17
Li Lu ’96, BUS’96, LAW’96 **
Zheng Lian and Xin Nie **
Chun Liu and Wenjun Qiao P: ’19, ’22 **
Karen Liu and Yi Sun P: ’20 **
Victor M. Lopez-Balboa ’82, P: ’14, ’19 **
William J. Lubic ’49 **
Dennis H. Manalo ’92 **
Victoria F. and James C. Maroulis ’88, P: ’21 **
Doris and Paul C. McCormick ’78, PS’82, PH’00, P: ’10, ’14, ’22, GS’12, GS’16, PS’16, PS’18 **
Samara B. Meshel ’92, P: ’18 and Adam R. Meshel ’92, LAW’95, P: ’18 **
Stephanie P. and William J. Meury P: ’21 **
Marshall W. Meyer ’64 and Judith P. Meyer BC’66 **
Pnina and Steven R. Milstein P: ’18, ’20, ’22 **
Kassie Muñoz and Carlos Muñoz ’57, GSAS’61 **
Maha A. and Sharif Omar P: ’16 **
Jennifer M. Ostfeld ’99, JRN’00 and Scott D. Ostfeld ’98, LAW’02, BUS’02 **
Hyun Park ’84, P: ’13, ’17, ’21 and Catherine M. Park BC’84, P: ’13, ’17, ’21 **
Ronnie D. Planalp BUS’86 **
Cary L. Queen ’71, P: ’15 **
Dean I. Ringel ’67 and Ronnie S. Ringel BC’68 **
Elizabeth K. and Harold E. Robertson SEAS’81, P: ’15, ’21 **
Robert J. Rosenberg ’67, P: ’99, LAW’02 **
Susan and Allen G. Rosenshine ’59 **
Phillip M. Satow ’63, P: ’88, ’96, SIPA’01 **
Jonathan D. Schiller ’69, LAW’73, P: ’01, ’06, LAW’08 and Marla F. Prather GSAS’88, P: ’01, ’06, LAW’08 **
Peter W. Schweitzer ’60, P: ’90 **
Annonymous **
Minkyong and Luciano Siracusano ’87, P: ’18 **
Arthur B. Spector ’68, P: ’06, ’08 **
Jerry I. Speyer ’62, BUS’64, P: ’92, LAW’93 **
Robert J. Speyer ’92 **
Esta E. Stecher LAW’82, P: SIPA’15 **
George R. Stephanopoulos ’82 **
Anne and Kenneth M. Stuzin ’86, BUS’93, P: ’19, ’21 **
Margaret Sung and Michael J. Schmidtberger ’82, LAW’85, P: SEAS’22 **
Shruti S. Tewari SIPA’94, P: ’20 and Pawan Tewari BUS’94, P: ’20 **
Anthony Viscusi ’55, GSAS’58, P: ’85, SIPA’90, SIPA’91 and Margo Viscusi BC’56, P: ’85, SIPA’90, SIPA’91 **
Ann and Robert S. Walzer ’53, PS’57, PS’65
Christoph H. Westphal ’90, P: ’23 **
Sherri P. Wolf ’90, P: ’21 and Douglas R. Wolf ’88, P: ’21 **
Elaine R. Wolfensohn GSAS’61 **
Sioe Lie Wong and Philip P. Wang ’70, P: ’18 **
Alisa Wood ’01, BUS’08 and Alastair Wood ’01 **
Chiu Yam and Jun Zhai P: ’21
Ji Hong A. Yang BUS’98 and Frederic S. Yang BUS’97 **
Samuel Yin ’76 **
Julie and Alexander Zaks P: ’17, ’19 **
Mary M. and Jeffrey D. Zients P: ’17 **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Anonymous **
Elizabeth Albert and Howard M. Kleinman ’84, P: ’18, ’22 **
Michael Argenziano ’88, PS’92, P: ’18, ’20 and Maria A. Rodino ’88, P: ’18, ’20 **
Maiken E. Baird ’89
Edward D. Baker III P: ’20 **
Kaye E. and James R. Barker ’57 **
Michele and Thomas Bass P: ’18 **
Michael P. Behringer ’89 **
Thomas R. and Stephanie F. Bernik ’89 **
Surabhi M. and Sanjeev Bikhchandani P: ’15 **
Francesca Bodini ’06, BUS’09 **
Steven E. Boothe ’99 **
Patricia Brett ’87, P: ’18, ’21 and James T. Brett ’84, BUS’90, P: ’18, ’21 **
Peter and Leslie G. Brodsky ’88 **
Rochelle L. and Thomas W. Brunner ’66, P: ’95 **
Timothy T. Chen ’93, PS’98 and Sandra Liu BC’74 **
Julie Ann L. and Steven Y. Cho P: ’21
Craig L. Chodash ’90 **
Joshua Huang and Debra C. Chow ’01 **
James P. Chow BUS’76, P: ’01
Yolanda Ciancia W: CP’39 **
Audra D. and Eric L. Cohen P: ’18, ’21 **
Betsy Z. and Edward E. Cohen **
David C. Colby ’75
Carla De Landri and Florindo Volpacchio GSAS’84, P: ’20 **
Alisa Drijanski and Emilio Romano P: ’18, ’22 **
Mary C. Dunn ’98
Scott K. Edwards ’87, P: SEAS’22
Kavin Eiamsakulrat ’17, GSAPP’18
Supanavit and Kaveepan Eiamsakulrat P: ’17, SEAS’18 **
Lisa and Eric Eisner ’70, LAW’73, P: ’11 **
Calvin Eng GSAS’71
Michele A. Esposito ’96 **
Mallory and Elizabeth W. Factor ’91
Robyn L. Field and Anthony D. O’Carroll P: ’21
Stacy and Mario Frati P: ’19, ’22 **
Jonathan L. Freedman ’78 **
David P. Gerstman ’56
Fadi Ghandour
Maarit and Thomas H. Glocer ’81 **
Bradley J. and Michelle J. Goldberg ’91 **
Mindy and Jonathan D. Gray **
Sharon and Sinclair C. Haberman ’78, P: ’18, ’22 **
Thomas J. Harrold Jr. ’66 **
Jonathan Hecht and Laurel S. Mayer P: ’21, ’22
Nancy and Leslie D. Hillis ’67, PS’72 **
Eric H. Holder ’73, LAW’76 and Sharon D. Malone PS’88 **
Divonne M. Holmes à Court ’87 **
Gedale B. Horowitz ’53, LAW’55, P: BC’83, LAW’89 **
Emily N. Hu ’95, PS’00 and John C. Tang LAW’96 **
Nobuhisa Ishizuka ’82, LAW’86 and Marcia T. Ishizuka GSAPP’86 **
Beth H. and David A. Javdan ’90
Kyoung Hwa Jung and Jinduk Han ’85, P: ’17, ’19 **
Alan R. Kahn ’59, P: ’95, GS’05 **
Michael G. and Michelle E. Kaiser ’87, PH’92, PS’97, P: ’20 **
Sandy and Michael W. Kamen ’66, P: ’01 **
John M. Kang ’88, LAW’91
Jeffrey L. Kateman ’89, LAW’92, P: ’19, ’21 and Nam Y. Kim LAW’92, P: ’19, ’21 **
Mayer Bick and Gail A. Katz ’97 **
Gideon Taylor and Deborah Kazis ’88, BUS’93 **
Earle W. Kazis BUS’58, P: ’88, BUS’79, BUS’93 **
Thomas C. Kelleher
Delia M. and Bijan Khosrowshahi P: ’16, ’18 **
J. Grace and S. John Kim ’95 **
Borah and Sang Kim ’92 **
Elena Kingsland SW’58 **
Brooks J. Klimley ’79 and Laura E. Klimley BC’80, TC’82 **
Albert B. Knapp ’75, PS’79
Salvatore Lanuto ’74 **
Alison and Robert Lee ’84, P: ’22 **
Numjit June B. Lehv ’95, DM’00, DM’02 and Spencer A. Lehv ’95, LAW’99 **
Alice L. and Peter P. Leone ’83 **
Mary J. Leong ’93
Polina Liberman P: ’19, ’23 **
Tina Lin ’91, PS’96 and David Liu ’91, GSAS’97, GSAS’98, PS’00 **
Theodore D. Long SIPA’64, GSAS’68 **
Patreesa and Eric Ma ’89, BUS’93, P: ’22 **
Tracy V. Maitland ’82 **
Kelly D. and William R. Massey ’83, P: ’19 **
Brenda A. Merritt and Robert M. Fischbein ’60, PS’66, P: ’93 **
Robert L. Meyer ’71, LAW’74, P: ’09 **
Cindy Z. Michel ’95 **
Cassey Morales ’96 **
Prue and Jay L. Mortimer **
Kathleen and Dennis R. Mullins P: ’11 **
Ann and Francis Neczypor P: ’08 **
Emil H. Nguy and Ying Xin P: ’19 **
Vikram S. Pandit SEAS’76, SEAS’77, BUS’80, BUS’86, P: ’17 **
Bruce E. Pindyck ’67, LAW’70, BUS’71, P: ’03, JRN’15 and Mary Ellen Pindyck LAW’73, GSAPP’75, P: ’03, JRN’15 **
Roland Plottel ’55, LAW’58, SEAS’64, P: ’84, GSAPP’88, SEAS’88 and Jeanine P. Plottel BC’54, GSAS’59, P: ’84, GSAPP’88, SEAS’88 **
Martin J. Rabinowitz ’53, LAW’55, P: ’79, ’87, LAW’83 **
Russell J. Ricci ’68
Rachel L. Rodin ’97, BUS’01 and John D. Rodin ’97 **
Michael B. Rothfeld ’69, JRN’71, BUS’71, SIPA’71, P: ’06, ’08 **
Candace D. and Thomas D. Sanford ’68, BUS’72, P: ’00, ’98 **
Joseph Sbiroli ’81 **
Janet B. Serle and Ira B. Malin ’75, P: ’11, ’17 **
Nicholas J. Serwer ’78, LAW’81 **
Amy and Zachary A. Silverzweig ’05, SPS’13
Ronald K. Simons ’82, BUS’89 **
Cathryn E. and Matthew J. Sodl ’88 **
Star Soltan P: ’17 **
Jonas and Natasha M. Steinman ’90, P: ’21 **
David J. Stern LAW’66 **
Steven S. Stuart ’86 and Catherine A.C. Froman ’88 **
Michael L. Tapper ’65, GSAS’66, PS’70
Brian J. Thomson ’89 **
Thomas L. and Sharmila H. Tuttle ’96, SIPA’05 **
George L. Van Amson ’74, P: ’13, ’15, ’17 **
Mary Vig ’91 **
Edward Villanueva ’56, BUS’60 **
Shazi Visram ’99, BUS’04 **
Grover Wald ’56
Richard E. Waldhorn ’72 **
Elizabeth V. and Irwin H. Warren ’71, LAW’74 **
Ellen A. Weinstein ’93
James D. Weinstein ’84, BUS’88 and Alicia D. Weinstein SIPA’01 **
John P. White SEAS’68, GSAS’71, P: ’04 **
Jay N. Woodworth ’65, BUS’67 ^
Kenneth B. Wright Jr. ’74 **
Scott A. and Helen D. Yeager BC’85 **
Ariel Yerushalmi ’92
May W. and Bong Y. Yu P: ’89, BC’90, SEAS’90 **