Event Info
Join us for a virtual conversation between Jen Maxfield Ostfeld CC’99, JRN’00, an Emmy Award-winning correspondent for NBC, and Professor David Schizer, dean emeritus of the Law School, co-leader of Columbia’s Task Force on Anti-Semitism and author of How to Save the World in Six (Not So Easy) Steps: Bringing Out the Best in Nonprofits.
The conversation will highlight the important work of Columbia's Task Force on Anti-Semitism and its efforts to protect free speech and academic freedom while promoting a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all members of the Columbia community. Schizer will discuss the recommendations of the Task Force's first report, analyzing the university's rules governing demonstrations, as well as the Task Force's other work.
Participants will have the opportunity to opt in to receive a free copy of Schizer's new book courtesy of the Ranieri Fund for Nonprofit Management at Columbia Law School and the Columbia College Alumni Association.