That love led Herrera to the Columbia Musical Theatre Society. After joining the group in her freshman year, she now serves as the group’s president, overseeing the multiple mainstage shows that CMTS produces each year, along with smaller productions like the annual 24 Hour Musical, cabaret events and more. “It can be a little stressful, but then you have to remember that this is for fun. Fun is the most important priority,” Herrera says. This spring’s performances are Ride the Cyclone, a comedy involving a deadly roller coaster and a teenage chamber choir, the to-be-announced 24 Hour Musical and the annual showcase.
Herrera has been involved in other student theater groups, like Columbia University Players, NOMADS and King’s Crown Shakespeare Troupe. She’s also passionate about animals and hopes to become a veterinarian; she interns at the Central Park Zoo when she’s not studying or at rehearsal. At the start of the semester, Herrera took some time to tell us more about the roles she’s played over the years, both onstage and off.
How did you get involved with CMTS?
I auditioned for Rocky Horror in the fall of my freshman year — I didn’t get a role, but I got a callback. It was a really fun experience because we were coming back from Covid-19, so the callbacks and the auditions were all outside. It was a really crazy time, and it was also great to see [the group] come back to life. My first experience in a [mainstage show] was doing Sunday in the Park with George, where I played Dot/Marie. It is a lot of work; anyone who’s involved in student theater jokes around that it’s like a full-time job whether you’re cast, crew, on the board or on the creative teams. So it is nice to be in an environment where people show that much love in creating something.
You’ve been in shows as a cast member, behind the scenes as a producer and … a cast mom?
Cast mom is an interesting role. A lot of it is just bringing snacks, and being someone whom the creative team and cast can talk to. As president, I try to attend a rehearsal at least once a week for each show and be there for a couple of hours to see how everything is going. But I think being cast mom also helped, because any time any issue came up, people could talk to me, whether or not it was related to CMTS. Shows can be super taxing, and balancing being a student with putting in a lot of hours after school to create an amazing show — it is stressful. I wanted to be there for everyone involved.
What’s your favorite CMTS memory?
I really enjoy the smaller events, like the Miscast cabarets and the karaoke nights, because a lot of the time it’s more laid back. People will just be sitting on couches in Wien and watching people sing, and everyone is so supportive. The first time I did Miscast I was really nervous because it was my first time singing in front of an audience at CMTS. I sang “If I Didn’t Believe in You” from The Last Five Years, which is my favorite musical. It did feel empowering. Even if you mess up, everyone is screaming and yelling and making you feel good about yourself.
What are you going to miss the most about CMTS after graduation?
Honestly, there’s a really great group of people on the CMTS board right now. So many are passionate about the club itself, and they put so much work into what they do — I feel good about leaving it to everyone. But I’m going to miss the community. I’m not sure that I’ve ever been part of a community that is that passionate about what they do. I think the supportiveness, the inclusivity and the diversity that everyone fosters is so important and makes it something that allows people to grow. That’s what I think I’ll miss the most — just a space to grow.
What’s been your favorite class at the College?
I enjoyed the psychology class “Cognition: Memory and Stress.” I mainly loved it because the professor, Janet Metcalfe, was phenomenal. The way she taught was super interesting — she would do little experiments with us so we could see in real time how certain theories would work.
How are you taking advantage of being in NYC?
Broadway! I’m going to try to see as many shows as I can during my last semester. That’s one big thing I’m going to miss about the city. And I love pressed collectors’ pennies, so I’ve made it my goal this semester to get all of them from the New York area. I have a bunch from Chicago, but I realized I only have one from New York, so I have to get them all.