Reflecting on the Journey

Supporting community engagement and inclusion
“You have this amazing network around you that is so supportive. They don’t even know you, but you are united by the fact that you both walked the same halls and sat in the same Hamilton classroom. I think it’s so special that that’s enough to automatically have a connection with someone. I think you really get a nice perspective when you meet people who went through what you went through, can compare their experiences to yours and can show you a picture of what success or what life after college is going to look like.”
Eyvana Bengochea CC'16

Supporting community engagement and inclusion
"I was offered an opportunity to intern at Edge of Space, an educational start-up that designs classroom science kits for K-12 students. The kits combine hands-on earth-based learning opportunities with suborbital-space-based experiments, all while working within the educational guidelines and budgets of public schools. As a graduate of an inner-city public school, it has been especially meaningful for me to work on educational resources that will be available to classrooms across the nation. I remember how impactful the availability of engaging science projects was on my development as a learner, and I hope to bring that experience to as many students as possible."
Francesca Jarrett CC'19

Supporting community engagement and inclusion
“Serving as a firefighter in a small town has taught me the values of hard work, kinship and community. In general, the skills that I have learned have made me more aware of my environment and the potential hazards that exist in our everyday world. The welcoming students at Columbia have created a similar environment. Diligence and virtue are essential values to acting as a responsible representative of the community. As a Columbia student, I can appreciate the tight knit, supportive community which our school fosters.”
William Cornacchia CC'17