Check out photos from Senior Dinner on the College's Facebook page!
More than 900 seniors celebrated the last day of classes, and their upcoming graduation, at the annual Senior Dinner on May 2 under a tent on South Lawn. At this much-anticipated event of the graduation season, the students enjoyed a gourmet meal, upbeat music and speeches from Class President Sean Manning Udell ’11, Senior Dinner Co-chairs Alexandra Coromilas ’11 and Noelle Willams ’11 and CCSC President Learned Foote ’11, as well as hearty congratulations from Dean Michele Moody-Adams. A highlight of the evening was the announcement by Senior Fund Chair Scott Maxfield ’11 that the fund had achieved 95 percent participation, a College record. In addition, because the class surpassed its participation goal, Charles Santoro ’82 will contribute $50,000 to the Columbia College Fund. Attendees also celebrated by joining in a rousing rendition of Sans Souci led by Alumni Association Chair Brian Krisberg ’81, ’84L.
Class of 2011 Celebrates at Senior Dinner
Tuesday, May 3, 2011