Posted in Parents
Jonathan Schiller ’69, ’73L will be presented the 2012 Alexander Hamilton Medal on Thursday, November 15, at the Alexander Hamilton Award Dinner, an annual black-tie event in Low Rotunda. The medal, the highest honor paid to a member of the Columbia College community, is awarded by the Columbia College Alumni Association to an alumnus/a or faculty member for distinguished service to the College and accomplishment in any field of endeavor.
Columbia University President Lee C. Bollinger announced today that James J. Valentini will be the new Dean of Columbia College and Vice President for Undergraduate Education effective July 1, 2012. Dean Valentini, known better as “Deantini” to the students of the College, has been acting as Interim Dean since September 2011.
Columbia College initiated 87 seniors into Phi Beta Kappa, the national honor society, on Tuesday, May 15. The students were chosen by a faculty selection committee of Phi Beta Kappa members based on the breadth, depth and rigor of their academic programs, as well as recommendations from faculty members who have worked closely them and know their commitment to scholarly endeavor.
The Columbia College Alumni Association (CCAA) welcomed its newest members, the Class of 2012, on May 15 as the 1,132 graduates were supported by family and friends on South Lawn under tents that protected all from the morning’s passing showers. For the ninth year, the Class Day festivities included the Alumni Parade of Classes, with 175 alumni from as far back as 1949 marching with their class banners to shepherd the seniors into the alumni community.
Sahrula Kubie CC'14 and Shamm Petros CC'14 were among the 575 US undergraduate and graduate students who were awarded 2012 Critical Language Scholarships (CLS) by the US Department of State. Kubie will go to Russia to study the language and Petros will study Arabic in Oman.
More than 900 seniors celebrated the last day of classes at the annual Senior Dinner on April 30 under a tent on South Lawn. The soon-to-be alumni enjoyed a gourmet meal, upbeat music, a slideshow of memories and remarks from Dean James J. Valentini, Columbia College Student Council Class of 2012 President Sarah Chai ’12, Senior Dinner Co-chairs Eylul Kayin ’12 and Randy Subramany ’12, CCSC President Aki Terasaki ’12, Columbia College Alumni Association President Kyra Tirana Barry ’87 and Columbia College Young Alumni Board President Justin Ifill ’06.
This weekend, four Columbia College students were named the 2012 winners of the Core Scholars Program.
The Columbia College Committee on Honors, Awards, and Prizes yesterday announced the names of the Class of 2012 Valedictorian and Salutatorian. The Valedictorian is Zachary Brill, a Chemistry major from New Jersey. The Salutatorian is Zachary Levine, an Anthropology major from California.
Eight Columbia University professors received Guggenheim Fellowships on Friday, April 13, more than any other institution this year. Literature Humanities chair Christia Mercer and Contemporary Civilization chair Matthew Jones were among the professors to win the prestigious fellowships.
The Columbia College Student Council's Academic Awards Committee announced this year's winners of the Mark Van Doren and Lionel Trilling awards.