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Free Throws with Megan Griffith ’07

Joshua Wang
What do you like most about basketball?
The team aspects of the game. I love working with people, and you really get to do that in basketball.
Were there any players you followed growing up or tried to model your game after?
I was a big AI [Allen Iverson] fan and a Kobe [Bryant] fan. And my dad taught me to watch Cheryl Miller, because of her talent and her competitiveness.
Who has had the biggest influence on you, and why?
My parents. I’m blessed to have come from a two-parent household. They’re not perfect, but they’ve been who they are consistently, which I really admire. They always have been there for me and my sister, and they challenged us to be independent, strong women.
What is your favorite place on campus?
The Law School bridge. I lived in East Campus and crossed it every day. You can see the city, and bridges are what connect places.
What movie can you watch again and again?
Good Will Hunting. It makes you think and teaches you about relationships and dynamics.
Have you binged any TV series recently?
I’m just starting House of the Dragon. I’m definitely a big Game of Thrones fan. That was probably the last series I watched intently.
What book are you currently reading?
Do Hard Things by Steve Magness. It’s about what actual real toughness is.
What is your perfect vacation?
Going where I can be active in nature and unplugged. I love hiking, mountains, lakes, beaches. One of my favorite places that I’ve been is Croatia.
What three people, living or dead, would you most like to invite to a dinner party?
My grandmother, for sure; she was such an important influence in my life with her kindness and generosity. Kobe, whom I totally looked up to as a basketball player. The third would be either Oprah Winfrey or Mother Teresa; I’d love to hear their perspectives on life.
— Alex Sachare ’71
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Columbia Alumni Center
622 W. 113th St., MC 4530, 4th Fl.
New York, NY 10025