Nine recently graduated seniors and alumni/ae have been awarded 2014-15 Fulbright U.S. Student grants. The Fulbright U.S. Student Program is the largest U.S. exchange program, offering grants for students and young professionals to undertake individually-designed international research and study projects or primary and secondary school teaching in English-language classrooms. During their grant periods, Fulbrighters meet, work, live with and learn from the people of their host country, sharing daily experiences and thereby promoting mutual understanding.
The program currently awards approximately 1,900 grants annually in all fields of study and operates in more than 140 countries worldwide. Fulbright U.S. Student Program alumni populate a range of professions and include ambassadors, members of Congress, judges, heads of corporations, university presidents, journalists, artists, professors and teachers.
Congratulations to the Columbia College recipients of the 2014-15 Fulbright U.S. Student Program Grants:
Matthew Arcinega CC ’14 (Political Science)
Destination: Spain
Project: English Teaching Assistantship
Emiliano Delgado CC ’14 (Russian Languages and Cultures)
Destination: Russia
Project: English Teaching Assistantship
Jerome Ellis CC ’11 (Music)
Destination: Brazil
Project: Studying Afro-Brazilian music from a performance and composition perspective in Salvador
Jacob Goldwasser CC ’14 (MESAAS)
Destination: Germany
Project: English Teaching Assistantship
Kelicia Hollis CC '12 (Creative Writing)
Destination: China
Project: Chinese Students' Preparation, Expectations and Success
Sahrula Kubie CC ’14 (Comparative Literature and Society)
Destination: Germany
Project: English Teaching Assistantship
Pavitra Mehta CC ’11 (Comparative Literature and Society)
Destination: India
Project: Evolution of the Ramayana Epic through Indian Puppetry
Jenny Schiff CC ’12 (Philosophy)
Destination: Italy
Project: Philosophy in Italian primary and secondary schools
Samuel Walker CC ’14 (Comparative Literature and Society)
Destination: Germany
Project: English Teaching Assistantship