Preparing Information for the Bulletin

Course information for the current academic year may be updated by you or the departmental administrator in the following two ways:

  • All course information is to be updated in Course Management.  

    (More information will be posted shortly!)

  • All non-course information (i.e. department overview, major/concentration requirements, and faculty listings) is to be updated through CourseLeaf Catalog (CAT).

Toward the end of January of each year, you will be notified that you may begin making course changes via the Proposal Module in Course Management for the coming academic year. You will also receive instructions for updating the non-course information of your department's section of the Columbia College Bulletin. This process should be facilitated by your department’s submission of its coming academic year’s curriculum to Arts & Sciences (normally due in December) and faculty scheduling to the Registrar. In most departments, the departmental administrator works closely with the Director to prepare a full and correct copy for the next year’s College Bulletin.

If you have questions about updating the Columbia College Bulletin, you may raise them with Amy Kohn, senior associate director of Academic Affairs, at 212-854-2442 and