Writing Resources

Workshop Recordings & Materials

Check out our schedule of upcoming workshops and events here.

Planning and Preparation Strategies

Semester Planning

A step-by-step process for mapping out your writing assignments and planning your semester

Transitioning into UW

How to apply what you already know about writing to the context of University Writing

Essay Exam Preparation

Strategies for preparing and studying for timed essay exams

Decoding Prompts

Strategies to read and interpret your assignment's instructions and instructor feedback so you know what you’re being asked to do, what your instructor expects of you, and how to apply it to your draft

Juggling Multiple Assignments

Strategies for prioritizing tasks & making it easier to jump in and out of projects.

Reading & Research

Reading Strategies

Different strategies for different reading goals - and how to use them

Close-Reading & Notetaking (with ODS)

Close-reading methods for making and organizing observations for textual analysis — in collaboration with the Office of Disability Services

Reading for Research: From the Outside In

Strategies for reading sources to effectively and efficiently navigate the research process

Specifying Research Questions

Strategies for generating and developing specific questions to guide and give direction to your research

Outlining and Drafting

Outlining for the Scattered Mind

Nonlinear outlining strategies to capture ideas, structure drafts, and more easily move between different stages of the writing process

  • "Outlining for the Scattered Mind" Workshop Slides, February 2022
  • Spreadsheet Outlining Templates (Google Sheets)
    • Use the above link to make a copy of the Google Sheets document; you will then be able to edit, download, or duplicate your copy to use in your own projects.
    • If you receive a "request access" message, make sure you are logged into your Google Drive account.
    • All of the templates in the Sheets document are also shown in the workshop slides PDF above!

Kickstart Your First Draft (with ODS)

Concrete strategies to make it easier to enter the drafting process and "hack" the blank page – in collaboration with the Office of Disability Services

Getting Writing Done: How to "Sit Down & Write"

Hacking the brain's dopamine system to make it easier to initiate writing tasks

Make Writing Easier for the Brain: Working Memory and Writing

How to use what we know about working memory to make the process of writing easier

Elements of Argument

Creating a Conversation & Using Evidence Effectively

Unpacking the "conversation essay" genre with strategies for using multiple sources effectively

Developing Claims

Strategies for developing strong, interesting arguments

Introductions & Conclusions

Strategies for crafting introductions and conclusions, especially for long-form research projects, like UW's Progression 3 essay assignment

Revision and Editing

Implementing Feedback

Strategies for interpreting and applying reader feedback as you revise your draft

Clarity & Style

Strategies for revising on the language level