More than 100 Columbia College students and alumni were awarded more than $3.5 million in fellowships in 2014–2015. These included eight Fulbright Grant winners, 11 National Science Foundation recipients and one Goldwater Scholarship awardee. Students received fellowships to work and study at Columbia and around the world. Only Columbia College recipients are listed.
Columbia Undergraduate Fellowships
Beesen Global Experience Research Fellowship
Supported by a gift from the late Charles F. Beesen LS’58, this fellowship provides $5,000 for non-native French speakers to study or do research in Paris during the summer. This fellowship was established to give students the opportunity to pursue their intellectual goals, gain valuable research and study experience, learn French and engage with the Parisian community.
- Heather B. Akumiah ’18
- Wallace K. Teska ’17
Beesen Global Travel Fellowship
Supported by a gift from the late Charles F. Beesen LS’58, this fellowship provides a $5,000 award to fund each fellow’s summer housing costs and travel to and from Paris, and to help defray general costs associated with living and studying abroad in Paris during the summer. The fellowship’s intent is to give Columbia University students the opportunity to pursue intellectual goals, gain valuable study experience, learn French in Paris and engage with the Parisian community.
- Jeremy Ceballo ’17
- Stephan Montes ’18
- Robert Staenberg ’18
Class of 1939 Summer Research Fellowship
Established in 1990 by the Class of 1939 in honor of the 50th anniversary of its graduation, this fellowship assists students pursuing independent research or work in ongoing laboratory projects during the summer. The fellowship grants students the opportunity to pursue their intellectual goals, gain valuable research experience and cultivate stronger relationships with faculty members.
- Robert J. Gross ’16
- Junghoon Kim ’16
- Jee Min Lee ’16
- Tara Z. Mohtadi ’17
- Daniel A. Multer ’16
- Vincent Peng ’16
- Ariana Ray ’17
- Christa Shen ’16
Columbia College International Summer Fund
Supported by a $150,000 gift from an anonymous donor, this fund provides 15 College students with funding to participate in Columbia study abroad programs during the summer. Each award is intended to defray the travel, housing, tuition and overall costs associated with summer study abroad, giving students the opportunity to pursue their intellectual goals, gain valuable international experience and engage with a culture and community beyond New York City.
- David M. Alexander ’16
- Vincent P. Bacac ’18
- Jeremy Ceballo ’17
- Josue D. Chavez ’18
- Yon Soo Cho ’17
- Sean S. Delanty ’16
- Lorenzo A. Gibson ’16
- Danny A. Haidar ’18
- Jacob L. Hirsch ’18
- Laviela S. Hyacinthe ’17
- Katherine R. McMahon ’18
- Stephan Montes ’18
- Caleb C. Murray-Bozeman ’17
- Daniel J. Reuter ’18
- Ruohan Zhang ’17
Columbia University Presidential Global Fellowship
Funded by a grant from President Lee C. Bollinger, the Presidential Global Fellowship program offers select first-years the opportunity to enrich their education with an international component during the summer between their first and second years.
- Kiran A. Aida ’18
- Hyun Joo Cho ’18
- Christina N. Clark ’18
- Juan P. Fernandez Herzberg ’18
- Veniamin V. Gushchin ’18
- Amsal Lakhani ’18
- Chelsea P. Miller ’18
- Matthew Rivera ’18
- Talia S. Rubin ’18
- Linh K. Tang ’18
Edwin Robbins Academic Research and Public Service Fellowship
Established in 1991 by Edwin Robbins ’53, LAW’55, P: LAW’88, this fellowship is designed to encourage Columbia College students to pursue careers in teaching, academic research or public service. A summer stipend is provided to four students who wish to engage in historical or political science research, or to participate in an internship with a governmental office, agency or other public service organization.
- Devin C. Bergstein ’16
- Nicholas J. Lyon ’16
- Ian J. Trueger ’16
- Jonah C. Weinstein ’16
Hadrian’s Villa Interdepartmental Scholarship
This scholarship is offered by the Advanced Program of Ancient History and Art for students who wish to participate in the summer rpogram Hadrian’s Villa: The Archaeology of an Imperial Court, held in Italy.
- Benjamin J. Preneta ’18
The Harvey Krueger Global Experience Fellowship
Each fellowship provides funds for students to pursue research, participate in study abroad programs or qualify as assistants in on-going laboratory projects during the summer at a location of their choosing in Israel or Poland. The fellowship’s intent is to give College students the opportunity to pursue intellectual goals and gain valuable international experience.
- Alixandra N. Prybyla ’18
The Herbert Deresiewicz Summer Research Fellowship
Established in 2011 by Robert Leslie Deresiewicz ’79, P: ’13, ’16, this fellowship provides the opportunity for a Columbia College student to engage in full-time laboratory research on the Morningside Heights campus in biological sciences, biomedical engineering, chemistry or chemical engineering.
- Helen Yang ’17
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Summer Fellowship
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation Ocean and Earth Sciences REU Sites Program, the Lamont-Doherty Summer Program offers the chance to experience scientific research as an undergraduate.
- Parker A. Case ’16
- Dorthy D. Fang ’17
- Allison E. Hooks ’16
- Christy A. Jenkins ’17
- Jennifer M. Olson ’17
- John D. Wilding ’17
Lee C. and Jean Magnano Bollinger Fellowship
This fellowship assists students with participation in the Columbia Summer Program in Tunis and Istanbul: Democracy and Constitutional Engineering. Participants enroll alongside students from the Middle East, North Africa and Turkey. The program was developed in collaboration with the Columbia Global Centers and is supported by a generous personal gift from President Lee C. Bollinger and Jean Magnano Bollinger.
- Ellie K. Dominguez ’17
- Benjamin L. Drachman ’17
- Yao Li ’18
- Nicholas J. Lyon ’16
- Andrew C. Pasquier ’17
- Catalina Piccato ’17
- Monique J. Williams ’17
- Ruohan Zhang ’17
Phyllis Stevens Sharp Fellowship in American Politics
Phyllis Stevens Sharp’s ongoing interest in Columbia undergraduate education and American politics inspired her son, John Stevens Sharp ’79, GSAS’80, GSAS’82, to honor her with a Columbia endowment that benefits political science majors and concentrators. The Phyllis Stevens Sharp Fellowship Fund in American Politics supports undergraduate research and internships in American politics and policymaking.
- Daniel Brovman ’16
- Jonah L. Reider ’16
Richard and Brooke Kamin Rapaport Summer Music Performance Fellowship
Established in 1993 by Brooke Kamin Rapaport and Richard A. Rapaport ’69, this music fellowship is awarded to Columbia College students who are particularly gifted in musical performance, composition or conducting.
- Zara Ali ’18
- Paul A. Bloom ’17
- Bronwen K. Chan ’18
- Timothy Diovanni ’18
- Fernanda N. Douglas ’16
- Mari A. Funabashi ’17
- Jacob S. Gelber ’17
- Alec B. Hon ’18
- Martin R. Jaffe ’16
- Eleanor T. Kirk ’16
- Javier Llaca ’16
- Joseph Morag ’18
- Hannah M. Murphy ’16
- Yong A. Murray ’17
- Anne M. Pace ’17
- Emily M. Shyr ’17
Richard Lewis Kohn Travelling Fellowship
Established in 1959 in memory of Richard Lewis Kohn ’60, this fellowship is awarded annually to a well-qualified student to supplement work in the College with study during junior year in Great Britain.
- Kevin Choi ’17
Richmond B. Williams Travelling Fellowship
Established in 1988 through a bequest from the estate of Richmond B. Williams ’25, JRN’25, this fellowship is awarded annually to Columbia College juniors majoring in English for summer research requiring travel.
- Anya L. Josephs ’16
- Emma J. Miller ’16
- Dennis Zhou ’16
Sanford S. Parker Summer Research Fellowship
Established in 1980 in memory of Sanford S. Parker ’37, this fellowship is awarded to rising Columbia College seniors majoring in economics and preparing to undertake independent research.
- Sama Asali ’17
- Chate Khemakongkanonth ’16
- Omeed Maghzian ’16
- Eitan J. Neugut ’17
- Hainian Shi ’17
Solomon and Seymour Fisher Civil Liberties Fellowship
Established in 1989 by Solomon Fisher ’36, LAW’38, P: ’62, GSAS’68 and Seymour Fisher ’45, this fellowship is awarded annually to a Columbia College student to work during the summer in the Legal Department of the American Civil Liberties Union National Office in New York City.
- Erika S. Holmberg ’16
- Mayia A. Kapelnikova ’17
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)
The Department of Biological Sciences at Columbia University offers Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships to a select group of motivated undergraduates who will benefit from the opportunity for hands-on biology-related laboratory research. This is a chance to experience the joys of discovering something new while learning to overcome the challenges inherent in scientific research. Under the auspices of the SURF program, fellowships are also awarded through the Amgen Scholars Program, Genentech, and Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.
- Kayleigh N. Askin ’17
- Danielle H. Carrol ’17
- William O. Carson ’17
- Anna Chubaeva ’18
- Omid Cohensedgh ’18
- David Dai ’17
- Junwen Deng ’17
- Keelin Fallon ’16
- Virginia J. Fu ’17
- Sophia F. Gamez ’16
- Francesca R. Garofalo ’18
- Smriti Kanangat ’18
- Miranda S. Kantor ’17
- Lara E. Karaaslan ’16
- Pegah Khosravi-Kamrani ’17
- Nathan S. Kim ’17
- Hyeon Jin Koo ’18
- Oh Sang Kweon ’17
- Yvonne Y. Lei ’18
- Anna M. Leone ’16
- Stephen Leong ’18
- Kanako Mori ’18
- Neha M. Nataraj ’17
- Matthew J. Neky ’18
- Alok Nimgaonkar ’17
- Sachi Patil ’17
- Kaitlin H. Pet ’17
- Corrine E. Quirk ’16
- Emanuelle M. Rizk ’18
- Natalia Romano Spica ’17
- Sanjana Salwi ’16
- Ankita Saxena ’18
- Jeremy D. Sherman ’17
- Shannon C. Shipley ’17
- Katy Su ’17
- Karen Tong ’17
- Kevin-Kien D. Vo ’16
- Matthew A. Wickersham ’16
- Haoxuan Yuan ’17
- Hou Zhang ’18
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship – Amgen Scholarship
- Mitchell P. Morton ’16
- Aditya Nair ’17
- Gunter B. Sissoko ’16
- Jonnell C. Small ’16
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship – Genentech Fellowship
Under the auspices of the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship program, the Amgen Scholars Program is open to undergraduates at Columbia University and Barnard College as well as other undergraduates currently attending a four year college in the United States or US territories.
- Jude K. Adjei-Kontoh ’17
- Lindsey H. Remark ’17
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship – Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
- Olamide A. Adeniyi ’17
- Katherine P. Kester ’17
- Sophie F. McAllister ’17
- Chang Y. Moon ’17
- Aleksandar Z. Obradovic ’17
- Min Young Oh ’17
- Tiago C. Palmisano ’17
- Sarah J. Ricklan ’17
- Arhum Saleem ’18
- Yves M. Tseng ’17
Undergraduate Global Policy Fellowship
Offered through the Columbia Global Policy Initiative, this fellowship was established to assist students in addressing problems that impact not only just one country or region, but that also reflect the challenges of the globalized world. This fellowship is available to Columbia juniors who seek to conduct policy-oriented research for a senior thesis that is truly global in nature.
- Alexandra M. Baer Chan ’16
- Eyvana M. Bengochea ’16
- Eleanor C. Goerss ’16
- Elena A. Goldstein ’16
- Mallory G. McKeon ’16
- Joseph P. O’Donnell ’16
- Zoey S. Poll ’16
- Jonah L. Reider ’16
Columbia College Post-Graduate Fellowships
Euretta J. Kellett Fellowship
Established in 1932 through a bequest from the estate of Euretta Jane Schlegel, this fellowship provides two consecutive years of study at Oxford University or Cambridge University for two Columbia College seniors who have shown exceptional proficiency in the study of liberal arts.
- Benjamin W. Gittelson ’15
- Jack P. Klempay ’15
Harry J. Carman Fellowship
Established in 1949 in honor of Dean Harry J. Carman GSAS 1919, this fellowship is awarded annually for advanced study to a Columbia College senior who exhibits intellectual promise.
- Grace C. Greiner ’15
Henry Evans Travelling Fellowship
Established in 1928 by Mrs. Henry Evans in memory of her husband, Henry Evans 1881, this prize is awarded annually to seniors who are planning to undertake a creative research project that requires travel.
- Khamal A. Clayton ’15
Holthusen-Schindler Scholarship
Established in 2001 through a bequest from the estate of Lenore Holthusen GS’51 in memory of her husband, Henry Holthusen 1915, LAW 1917, this scholarship provides financial support to current seniors and alumni with financial need who are continuing their education at the Columbia Law School.
- Gena R. Miller ’09
- Martin Judah Willner ’12
Jarvis and Constance Doctorow Fellowship
Established in 2005 by Jarvis and Constance Doctorow, this fellowship is awarded annually to a senior for study at St. Edmund Hall, Oxford University.
- Alyssa M. Menz ’15
External Undergraduate Fellowships
Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program
Established by Congress in 1986 to honor Sen. Barry Goldwater, who served his country for 56 years as a soldier and statesman, including 30 years of service in the U.S. Senate, the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program awards scholarships to college students who intend to pursue careers in science, mathematics and engineering.
- Brian L. Trippe ’16
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program
The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program offers grants for U.S. citizen undergraduates to pursue academic studies abroad with the goal of helping them prepare to assume significant roles in an increasingly global economy and interdependent world.
- Yon Soo Cho ’17
- James Davis ’18
- Sarah D. Kuranga ’17
Coca-Cola Summer Scholarship
With generous support from Coca-Cola Bottlers and The Coca-Cola Co., the non-profit Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation awards more than $3.45 million to eligible students going to four-year universities and two-year institutions around the United States.
- Sean M. Brennan ’17
- Jennifer Chan ’17
- Emily R. Injeian ’16
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Dienst Research Internships in Science and Engineering
Research Internships in Science and Engineering Germany offers undergraduate students from North American and British universities the opportunity to complete a summer research internship at top German universities and research institutions.
- Jonathan T. Xu ’16
Humanity in Action Fellowship
The Humanity in Action Fellowship brings together international groups of college students and recent graduates during the summer in several European cities to explore national histories of discrimination and resistance, as well as examples of issues affecting minority groups today.
- Demarttice B. Tunstall ’15
J. W. Saxe Memorial Fund Awards
These awards provide financial support to college students in the United States who are involved in public service. Specifically, the awards enable students to gain practical experience in public service by taking unpaid or low-paying service-oriented jobs or internships during the summer or other term.
- Ashleigh I. Cartwright ’17
McDonald Cadet Leadership Fellowship at West Point
This fellowship enables participants to attend the McDonald Cadet Leadership Conference, which invites renowned speakers and analytical, visionary student leaders: 40 from across the United States and 20 international students, as well as cadet participants. The conference unites emerging global leaders with preeminent world leaders in a partnership struggling with the most pressing issues worldwide.
- Nathen Huang ’15
Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training Fellowship
This fellowship enables participants to attend the Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training program at the National Institutes of Health. It was established to increase the representation of socially or economically disadvantaged groups that have been historically underrepresented in biomedical and behavioral careers and to support the research training of students who will most likely contribute to the elimination of health disparities that exist among disadvantaged populations in the United States.
- Elodia S. Caballero ’17
- Avery J. Cambridge ’16
- Cole W. Hickman ’16
- Andrea R. Pacheco ’17
- Tiffany N. Porras ’16
- Cindy J. Saenz ’16
- Chanique C. Vassell ’17
U.S. Department of State Student Internship Program
This program offers undergraduate and graduate students who are U.S. citizens a chance to witness and participate in the formulation and implementation of U.S. foreign policy, working closely with representatives of the U.S. Department of State’s Foreign Civil Services.
- Ramis J. Wadood ’16
External Post-Graduate Fellowships
Clarendon Scholarship
The Clarendon Scholarship aims to give the most academically-able students not only the life-changing opportunity to study at Oxford, but also the chance to form lasting social, academic and professional networks.
- Julian B. Noisecat ’15
The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals
Funded by the German Bundestag and U.S. Congress, this fellowship annually provides 75 American and 75 German young professionals the opportunity to spend one year in each other’s countries, studying, interning, and living with hosts on a cultural immersion program.
- Demarttice B. Tunstall ’15
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Dienst Graduate Study Scholarship
This scholarship provides highly qualified individuals with an opportunity to perform independent study in Germany or to complete a full master’s program at a German university.
- Miriam E. Rosen ’15
Fulbright U.S. Student Grant
The Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers grants for students and young professionals to undertake individually-designed international research and study projects or primary and secondary school teaching in English-language classrooms. During their grant periods, Fulbrighters meet, work, live with and learn from the people of their host country, sharing daily experiences and thereby promoting mutual understanding.
- Celia D. Bell ’13
- Joseph Z. Betts ’15
- Jacqui K. Brown ’11
- Benjamin J. Spener ’14
- Erida M. Tosini-Corea ’15
- Tracey Wang ’15
- Hannah C.R. Wilentz ’12
- Eric S. Wong ’15
Gates-Cambridge Scholarship
The Gates-Cambridge Scholarship is awarded to seniors who have achieved academic excellence, are a good fit with Cambridge University, have leadership potential and are committed to working for the greater good. The program aims to build a global network of future leaders committed to improving the lives of others.
- Yuntong Ma ’12
George J. Mitchell Scholarship
The Mitchell Scholarship aims to introduce future American leaders to Ireland while recognizing and fostering their intellectual achievement, leadership and commitment to community and public service. Up to 12 Mitchell Scholars are chosen annually for one year of postgraduate study in any discipline offered by institutions of higher learning in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
- Daniel B. Listwa ’15
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
The oldest graduate fellowship of its kind, the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees at accredited U.S. institutions.
- Alexandra L. DeCandia ’15
- Jessica T. Gersony ’14
- Samuel W. Kazer ’14
- Grant A. King ’15
- Elora H. Lopez ’15
- Erik C. Nook ’12
- Frank J. Pavia ’14
- Kelsey J. Roberts ’15
- Alan M. Seltzer ’14
- Georgia R. Squyres ’13
- Tyler G. St. Denis ’15
Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans
Each year, 30 fellows receive up to $90,000 to help cover two years of tuition and other educational and living expenses, to study any subject at any U.S. university. Soros Fellowship recipients must demonstrate an original idea or talent, they must have accomplished something requiring a sustained effort, and they must have participated in government or another forum dedicated to freedoms prescribed in the U.S. Bill of Rights.
- Mark M. Xue ’06
Presidential Internship Program at the American University in Cairo
Established in 1981, the Presidential Internship Program at the American University in Cairo provides recent university graduates who are American citizens or permanent residents the opportunity to work at the highest levels of an international university, experience life in Cairo and learn Arabic.
- Catherine E. Bentivoglio ’13
Princeton in Africa
Founded in 1999, Princeton in Africa develops young leaders committed to Africa’s advancement by offering yearlong fellowship opportunities with a variety of organizations that work across the African continent.
- Olivia A. Woldemikael ’15
Princeton in Asia
Princeton in Asia sponsors more than 150 fellowships and internships in 20 countries and is the oldest and largest organization of its kind, unique in its scope, size, century-long expertise and emphasis on service. This program provides transformative, service-oriented experiences for bright, talented graduates and serves the needs of Asia as determined by host institutions and Asian partners.
- Madeleine G. Bavley ’15
- Devin P. Choudhury ’15
- Samuel A. Lutzker ’15
- Richard H. Whiddington ’15
Princeton in Latin America
Princeton in Latin America matches partner NGO and multilateral organizations that are engaged in socially responsible development projects in Latin America and the Caribbean with highly qualified and motivated recent college graduates who are interested in year-long service opportunities throughout the region.
- Camille E. Allamel ’15
Teaching Assistant Program in France Fellowship
The Teaching Assistant Program in France offers students the opportunity to work in France for seven months, teaching English to French students of all ages. Each year, more than 1,100 American citizens and permanent residents teach in public schools across all regions of metropolitan France and in the overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion.
- Monica K. Carty ’15
Venture for America Fellowship
Established in 2012, the Venture for America Fellowship provides two years of paid work experience with start-up or early-stage companies in emerging cities across the United States.
- Babajide Adetayo Adebayo ’13
- Willem Jeffrey Prins ’14
- Amanda J. Tien ’14
Yenching Academy Scholarship
This scholarship for the Yenching Academy, a college integrated within China’s leading university, prepares a diverse group of exceptional international and Chinese students with the knowledge of China that they need to fulfill their potential as global citizens and leaders.
- Jackson L.T. Tse ’15