Columbia College | Columbia University in the City of New York
AitN: August 10, 2020

Kate McKinnon ’06

Nicole Kassell ’94
Carl H. Shubs ’70 received the 2020 Award for Outstanding Practice by The American Psychological Association in the Trauma Psychology category. The APA Convention Awards Meeting was held on August 7.
Jared Namba ’16 is featured in the August 6 TIME article “How a New Generation Is Carrying on the Legacy of Atomic Bomb Survivors” for his short film, An American Hibakusha. The film focuses on Namba’s grandfather, a Japanese-American who was in Hiroshima during the atomic bomb dropping.
As The View co-host Meghan McCain ’07 prepares to go on maternity leave, she made the news when, on August 4, she tweeted her support for former New York Times columnist Bari Weiss ’07 to fill in for her.
Actor George Segal ’55 is mentioned in the July 31 New York Times article “Comfort Viewing: Why I Still Love ‘The Goldbergs’.” From the article: “But to me it’s a finely tuned comic contraption, with an ace multigenerational cast. The great George Segal plays the family’s easygoing playboy grandfather ….”
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