Columbia College | Columbia University in the City of New York
AitN: February 3, 2020
In Columbia sports news, two alumni athletes are being honored this month. Soccer alum Amr Aly ’85 has been selected as an honoree at this year’s NYC Soccer Gala, which will be held February 25 at the New York Athletic Club. And the University recently announced plans to dedicate the center court in Levien Gymnasium in honor of basketball alum Jonathan Schiller ’69, LAW’73; the ceremony will be held on February 22.
On February 3, The Vilcek Foundation, which honors the contributions of foreign-born persons in the arts, sciences and humanities, awarded The Vilcek Prize for Excellence in the Administration of Justice to Chief Judge Robert A. Katzmann ’73 of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit “in recognition of his exemplary career in public service, as well as his commitment to broadening access to legal representation for immigrants in need.”

Jerry Nadler ’69
Rep. Jerry Nadler ’69 (D-N.Y.), who chairs the House Judiciary Committee and is one of the seven Democrat impeachment managers for President Trump’s trial, was featured in Vanity Fair online on January 29. In “Nancy Pelosi’s Handpicked Impeachment Managers are Trying to Make GOP Senators Own Trump’s Guilt,” Nadler is quoted as saying, “I must tell you, it never entered my mind when I said things like that, that we would have an American political party that would totally not care about the Constitution, about the law, about the integrity of elections. It never occurred to me, but now we have that.”
Michael B. Gerrard ’72, director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University, is quoted in the January 29 New York Times article “7 Reasons Recycling Isn’t Working in New York City.” He speaks about a new law focused on commercial garbage collection that is designed to stop the practice of private garbage collection companies mixing recyclables and landfill trash.
Dr. Jennifer Ashton ’91, PS’00, HN’16, the senior medical correspondent for ABC News, recently released a book, The Self-Care Solution: A Year of Becoming Happier, Healthier, and Fitter — One Month at a Time. As part of its promotion, she has been interviewed by multiple news sites and magazines to advocate for people to take care of themselves and develop healthy habits.
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