Columbia College | Columbia University in the City of New York
AitN: January 21, 2020
The New York Times published the op-ed piece “‘The View’ Has a Meghan McCain Problem” on January 16, examining the growing discord among the daytime show’s co-hosts, who hold differing political opinions. From the article, which focuses on conservative host Meghan McCain ’07: “It has become the norm to watch Ms. McCain, the daughter of Senator John McCain, square off against her co-hosts in a barrage of vehement exchanges ... The increasingly aggressive rejoinders by her co-hosts have escalated to the daytime TV equivalent of a cage fight for the viewing public, reflecting the frustrations of discourse in our current political climate under the magnifying glass of harsh studio lighting.”
On January 13, The New Yorker published “William Barr, Trump’s Sword and Shield,” a look at U.S. Attorney General William Barr ’71, GSAS’79 and his defense of President Trump. From the article: “Eleven months after being sworn in, Barr is the most feared, criticized, and effective member of Trump’s Cabinet. Like no Attorney General since the Watergate era, he has acted as the President’s political sword and shield. ... Barr maintains that Article II of the Constitution gives a President control of all executive-branch agencies, without restriction; in practice, this means that Trump would be within his rights to oversee an investigation into his own misconduct.”

Amanda Steinberg ’99
Amanda Steinberg ’99 was featured in the January 9 New York Times article “I’ll Share My Salary Information if You Share Yours,” which focuses on women openly discussing their salaries and how doing so can improve their financial well-being. Steinberg, the founder of a financial literacy website for women, DailyWorth, and author of Worth It: Your Life, Your Money, Your Terms, is quoted: “For a long time, the narrative was that to even be interested in money was on some level unfeminine or crass.”
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