Columbia College | Columbia University in the City of New York
AitN: August 7, 2017
David Perlman ’39, JRN’40, the famed San Francisco Chronicle science editor, announced that he will retire in early August after nearly 70 years with the Chronicle. “Perlman has churned out thousands of articles over the years,” a KQED Science article about his retirement states. “Not only has he won numerous science journalism awards, there are two named for him. Perlman’s life has spanned whole epochs in science: the launch of the space age, the entire unfolding of the computer age and, as The Los Angeles Times noted in a profile, Pluto’s entire life as a planet, from its discovery in 1930, to its recent demotion to subplanet.”

Tony Kushner '78
Scott Rudd
On July 19, The Daily Beast reported that Tony Kushner ’78 is writing a play about President Trump, as well as working on a film version of West Side Story. Kushner’s Angels in America is currently playing at the National Theatre in London, and live broadcasts of the play showed in select movie theaters across America in late July.
Long-distance runner and activist Alison Mariella Désir ’07, GSAS’11, TC’16 is one of the faces of a new Under Armour campaign, “Unlike Any,” which celebrates female athletes. The campaign combines the work of lyricists, poets and spoken word artists to create videos highlighting each athlete.
Katie Meili ’13 took silver in the 100-meter breaststroke final at the Budapest 2017 FINA World Championships on July 24; she also took the bronze in the 50-meter breaststroke final on July 29 and her team took gold in the 4 x 100 meter medley relay the same day.

Jenny Wu '97's Catena necklace
LACE by Jenny Wu
Jenny Wu ’97 had a piece from her 3D-printed jewelry line LACE accepted into the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). From the press release: “[LACMA] officially acquired the Catena Steel Necklace for their permanent Collection. The Catena Necklace not only pushes the limits of metal 3D printing but is also an extraordinary artistic statement.”
Right-wing author David Horowitz ’59 and his tech-guru son, Ben Horowitz ’88, were profiled in a July 22 New York Times article about the father’s and son’s political differences: “One Family, Many Revolutions: From Black Panthers, to Silicon Valley, to Trump.”
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