Columbia College Alumni Association

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Clubs and Groups

There are more than 100 groups worldwide for Columbia's alumni and students. Join one (or more!) and stay connected!

 Alumni Clubs in the U.S.
Alumni Clubs in the United States

The Columbia Alumni Association supports alumni clubs throughout the United States, including one near you! Use our zip code finder to find the club closest to you, or browse to find one anywhere.

International Alumni Clubs
International Alumni Clubs

Columbia's global presence includes alumni (and clubs) in more than 40 international locations. Find the club nearest you to make a connection.

Shared Interest Groups
Shared Interest Groups

Groups based on interests and affiliations are a strong part of Columbia's network. Browse our growing list of shared interest groups to learn how you can become involved.


Roar, Lion, Roar! Stay involved with Columbia Athletics by attending an athletic event near you.