Columbia College Alumni Association

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Request A Mentor

The Columbia College Women mentoring platform has more than 700 alumnae mentors available to be your coach, sounding board and trusted resource. To request your mentor, please:

  1. Complete your profile and all sections, as matches are suggested based on your interests and background.
  2. Click Your Matches on the home page to find your suggested matches.
  3. Find additional matches on the People page by searching Mentors or expertise, skills, companies, location, and more.
  4. Select a mentor by clicking the Request Mentorship button on a profile. Then wait for them to accept your request.

Mentoring is limited to a 1:1 match. You may request mentorship from more than one alumna, but the first one who accepts your request will become your official mentor. Don't wait as mentors are first come, first served!

If you have any questions, email us today.

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