The Odyssey Mentoring Program was founded on the belief that Columbia College students and alumni want to support one another, share stories and encourage one another’s success, thus creating a strong and tight-knit community. The College has more than 52,000 alumni working in myriad careers and around the country. OMP makes it possible for community members to connect in a variety of ways, from an email exchange to in-person meetings and small group gatherings.
Alumni can use the community to network and make connections. Students and young alumni, in particular, can use the community to get answers to questions, discuss challenges or opportunities, and exchange stories about the Columbia experience.
Whether making a choice about a major, internship and/or career track, or considering career transitions, graduate school opportunities and/or basic life choices, both alumni and students can now join in and choose their Odyssey.
Why Odyssey? It’s a major work all Columbia College students read in the Core Curriculum and features the character Mentor (the goddess Athena in disguise, who advises Odysseus’ son, Telemachus, while his father is in Troy). It also symbolizes the journey of students, young alumni and all of us as we chart our way on unpredictable yet exciting paths forward, with Columbia College at our back.
The Odyssey Mentoring Program’s 1:1 Spring Mentor Match registration is open now through Tuesday, Feb. 18!