Jaime Danies SEAS'20
1. How much time does it take to be a mentor?
The Odyssey Mentoring Program is flexible and can work with your schedule. You can choose to commit time for a regular mentorship relationship or you can choose to just make a phone call or have a coffee meeting. The structure, length and depth of the relationship is up to you! Just be sure to update your profile accordingly and be up front with your mentor/mentee about what works best for you.
2. Why hasn't anyone contacted me to be a mentor?
Since the Odyssey Mentoring Program is a mentee-driven program, the responsibility is on students and young alumni to contact you. The Columbia College Alumni Association works with groups across the University to encourage those mentees to reach out.
One thing you can do to make your profile stand out to prospective mentees is to make sure that your profile is fully filled out with as many relevant details as possible. The more robust your profile, the more others can learn about you.
3. Why won't the platform let me message more alumni?
Each participant is limited to five connections and three mentors at one time to ensure higher quality messaging and connections. If you’d like to message more alumni, move some of your “Current Connections” to “Past Connections.”
4. When will this program be open to other Columbia schools?
At this time the program is only available to Columbia College students and alumni. The Center for Career Education has tools and programs offered to all schools, which might have their own mentoring programs. If your school is interested in participating in a program similar to Odyssey, please encourage them to contact us.
5. What do I do if a student seems to be having trouble?
If you are worried about a student and would like to consult with staff members, please contact Columbia Student & Family Support at 212-854-2446 during the hours of 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Eastern time.
In the event of an emergency or if you have urgent concerns about the health or safety of a Columbia student, please contact Columbia Public Safety immediately at 212-854-5555. Public Safety is available 24/7.